Explorer Keyboard Blank with Choc v2 Key Switches and SMOLO White Keycaps
The Blank keyboard, crafted by DreaM117er, takes inspiration from the Planck keyboard. Similar to the Let’s Split keyboard, it's a split design with a trackpad and a rotary knob.
Alongside its standout features, it offers support for Kailh Choc v1, v2, and Cherry MX key switches.
I assembled one using Choc v1 key switches a few months back. It looks fantastic paired with the MBK 40s keycap set.

While the market is brimming with options for Choc v2 key switches, I recently put together one using the Choc v2 (Deep Sea Mini Whale - Silence actile) and SMOLO keycaps (White).
In the page https://showcase.beekeeb.com/kailh-choc-v2-key-switches/ , it compares the differences between Choc v1 and Choc v2 key switches with their keycaps.

Regarding appearance, due to the Blank keyboard's standard spacing, there is a noticeable gap between keycaps when using them with the MBK keycaps (Choc spacing - slightly smaller than the regular spacing). However, with low-profile keycaps like SMOLO or XVX low profile, which are similar in size to regular MX keycaps, the gap is much less noticeable.
Related Showcase: https://showcase.beekeeb.com/the-keycaps-of-gateron-low-profile-key-switches-and-kailh-choc-v1-key-switch/