Ferris Sweep v2.2 Custom Build With MBK Legend ‡ 40s Keycaps
Ferris Sweep is designed by David Barr
Pre-assembled of Ferris Sweep: https://shop.beekeeb.com/product/pre-soldered-ferris-sweep-low-profile-split-keyboard/
Customized Configurations:
- Key switches: Kailh Red Linear 50gf
- Keycaps: MBK Legend ‡ 40s (Gray On White) PBT Low Profile Keycaps
- Keyboard Case: 3D PLA Printed Translucent Case
- This is a custom design keyboard case for Ferris Sweep. While it maintains the low profile feature, the keyboard is mounted to the case using 4 screws for increasing stability and the tolerance to PCB size. Some rubber feet are added to both side of the case. The case is 3D printed in translucent, other colors (black, white, navy blue, limed ash green, banana milkshake yellow and lavender purple) are available.

- MBK Legend ‡ 40s keycaps using on a Sweep Ferris